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Attacking is a fun way to spend your energy, and can yield some healthy rewards, if you're suited for the fight. The outcomes mostly revolve around the Hospital, and whether you are in, or out of it. The hospital will naturally heal you and release you, or you may use items from your inventory to regain health, to shorten your stay. While in the hospital, you will lose access to commands normally available when healthy. Successfully attacking will yield a random portion of the defender's gold (5-15%) and a small amount of experience. You can only attack players in the same location as you.

The experience gained is weighted slightly, based on levels of the two sides. If you attack newer players, way under your level, you wouldn't receive as much experience as someone that's 1 level above you.


The items that you have equipped at the time of fighting may make a big difference. Any armour currently equipped will assist with your defense, and any weapons you have will be used to magnify your attack. 

When searching a piece of armour it will give a defensive stat rating. When searching a weapon, it will give the accuracy stat, as well as the strength of the weapon.



  • A successful attack means that you defeat your opponent before the 25 turns are up
  • The losing player is sent to the hospital
  • The winning attacker receives a random percentage of the loser's gold
  • The winning player is also awarded experience based on the battle stats system


  • A successful defense means that the opposing player was able to dispatch the other player in a defensive manner
  • The attacking player is sent to the hospital to recover
  • No experience or gold is awarded


  • Successfully flee the battle
  • No gold or XP is lost
  • No players sent to the hospital


  • A stalemate occurs when both sides remain standing after 25 turns
  • Neither player is victorious
  • Neither player is sent to the hospital
  • No Gold or Experience is awarded


Enabling passive mode is the only way to avoid attacks players in the same location as you. While in Passive mode, you will not have access to certain gameplay commands that others, still in PVP mode, have access to. 

There is a cooldown once you've switched from PVP mode to Passive. This cooldown is in place to ensure that there is no abuse of the switching command.

Patch History