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  • Attacking is aone funmethod wayof tospending spendyour Energy, yourwhen energy, and can yield some healthy rewards,attacking, if you're suited for the fight. The outcomes mostly revolve around the Hospital, and whether you are in, or out of it. The hospital will naturally heal you and release you, or you may use items from your inventory to regain health, to shorten your stay. While in the hospital,sucessful you will losemug accessyour opponent, and cause them to commandsbe normallyhospitalised availablefor whensome healthy.time. SuccessfullyIf you lose, you will be placed into the hospital. Attacking costs 25 energy at a time, meaning Donators can attacking will6 yieldtimes in a random portion of the defender's gold (5-15%)row, and non-donators can attack 4 times in a smallrow. You can increase the amount of experience.attacks Youyou can onlyperform attackby using the Drug Xanax. It will increase your energy by 250, allowing for 10 additional attacks.
  • Attacking someone with higher Battle Stats will result in a better XP gain, meaning you level up faster. Attacking new players will result in the same location as you.

    The experience gained is weighted slightly, based on levels of the two sides. If you attack newer players, way under your level, you wouldn't receive asa much experiencelower asXP someonegain, that'sand 1sometimes leveleven above0 you.



TheEquipment itemsin thatattacks youis havevery equippedimportant. atPlayers can purchase Armour and Weapons from the timeAuction ofHouse, fightingor mayfrom makeother acountries big difference. Any armour currently equipped will assist with your defense, and any weapons you have willto be used in attacks to magnifyprovide youran attack. 

When searching a piece ofadvantage. armourArmour itprotects willspecific give a defensive stat rating. When searching a weapon, it will give the accuracy stat, as well as the strengthparts of the weapon.body. When attacking there are 10 possible hit locations, some with a higher modifier than others, 5 of these areas can be protected with armour. 

Possible Hit Locations
  1. Head - 1.25x Damage Multiplier
  2. Neck - 1.15x Damage Multiplier
  3. Eye - 1.1x Damage Multiplier
  4. Chest - 1x Damage Multiplier
  5. Groin - 0.9x Damage Multiplier
  6. Leg - 0.6x Damage Multiplier
  7. Arm - 0.4x Damage Multiplier
  8. Hand - 0.2x Damage Multiplier
  9. Foot - 0.1x Damage Multiplier
  10. Toe - 0.05x Damage Multiplier


  • AWhen successfulwinning attackan means thatattack, you defeatsteal yourbetween opponent before the 25 turns are up
  • The losing player is sent to the hospital
  • The winning attacker receives a random percentage5-15% of the loser'splayers goldmoney on their character
  • Your opponent is hospitalised for between 45 minutes and 2 hours.
  • The winning player is alsorewarded awardedXP experience baseddepending on the battleopponents statsBattle systemStats

  • AWhen successfullosing defensean meansattack, thatno themoney opposingis playerlost, wasand ableno toXP dispatchis the other player in a defensive mannergained.
  • The attacking player is sent to the hospital to recover
  • NoThe experience or goldopponent is awardednotified of your failed attack

  • SuccessfullyWhen fleeescaping thean battle
  • attack,
  • Nono gold is lost or gained, and no XP is gained or lost 
  • NoNeither playersthe attacker or defender is sent to the hospital
  • The opponent is notified of the failed attack

  • A stalemate occurs when both sides remain standing after 25 turns
  • Neither player is victorious
  • Neither player is sent to the hospital
  • No Goldmoney or ExperienceXP is awarded


Enabling passive mode is the onlya way to avoiddisable attacksall playersPVP inaspects of the samegame. locationThis asincludes you.all attacks, and it also disables travelling to some countries. While in Passivepassive mode,mode you will not havebe accessable to certainget gameplayattacked, commandsand thatyou others,will stillnot inbe PVPable mode,to haveattack accessother to. 



You acan cooldownenable onceor you'vedisable switched from PVPpassive mode to Passive. This cooldown is in place to ensure that there is no abuse ofusing the switchingingame command.Settings.

Patch History

15/05/2021: Remade Escape and Hitchance algorithms

14/05/2021: Added Stealthing to attacks

13/05/2021: Replaced Defend option with Escape
13/05/2021: Health bars are now displayed as 1 bar when below 10% Health, and when above maximum, only show 10