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18/04/2021 - Merger

Added Human Verification to Automated tasks such as Fishing, Case unboxing
Added a warning for Auction Items over 5* their value when purchasing
Added Drug Overdosing, Addiction and Rehabilitation
Added Cooldowns to Vault commands
Added Happiness loss on Gym train
Added Fishing Rod break chance
Added Escape option for attacks
Added Notifications and Settings
Added Passive Mode (Settings)
Added Vault History Command
Added Stealth Attacks
Created this wiki!

Updated Property moving, added vault balance and upkeep checks
Updated Networth command, now shows more information
Updated Merits & Tasks - Still needing a little more
Updated Economy and game to both use GBP
Updated Daily command to give a daily item
Updated Miner mining rates and upkeep
Updated Earning command amounts
Updated Cryptocurrency values
Updated Casinos max bets
Updated Help command
Updated Miner prices
Updated Bank loans

Reworked Cooldowns, can go over cooldown. Eg 23:59 will allow for 1 more booster (to go over 24h)
Reworked Attacking, members can no longer be attacked by multiple people at once
Reworked Inventory, pages should display 10 items now
Reworked Travel Storage, largest suitcase is now used
Reworked Damage and Hit Chance algorithms
Reworked Health Bar in attacks
Reworked Attacking Equation
Fixed fishing related errors

Removed Defend option from attacks


Some features may be unavailable temporarily such as miner purchasing