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Todays daily quests and the daily cooldown have been reset upon the release of this update

Added Pamela's Private Healthcare (
Added Polymorphic Dual Daggers (Yashhab)
Added Gate of Babylon (MuGeN)
Added an NPC (Pamela)
Added 65 new quests
Added Rollerskates
Added Hand wraps
Added Dumbbells
Added Parachute

Vaults have been disabled in rented properties due to Org bank addition
Daily command can now give items upto a value of £450m
Awareness Merit is now a 5% buff rather than 20% per tier
Fixed an issue with Busting and Bailing when verifying
Fixed Busting algorithm, fails will now happen
Daily command can now give multiple items
Awareness Merit is now used in h.daily
Buffed Blackjack winning odds
Buffed Coinflip winning odds
Buffed Unboxing drops
Buffed Quest rewards
Buffed Fishing drops


Added Attack Finishing options (Leave, Mug, Hospitalise)
Added check to unban expired banned players
Added Donator Crates to the Auction House
Added Organisation Challenges
Added delete button to stats
Added Private Mode Setting
Added Last Seen to h!profile
Added Organisation Perks
Added Cashiers Cheques
Added Donator Coupons
Added Organisations 2.0
Added Respect

Removed the guaranteed success from crimes once a user had enough crime XP. Now 1 - 3% fail or blue chance
Increased difficulty of gaining Natural Adrenaline (This may have negatively affected your Natural Adrenaline)
Fixed Last Seen being updated due to overlapping perk assignment
Fixed item names showing wrong item when typing exact name
Disabled Yuki message logs for attack command messages
Reduced the difficulty of crimes after Pirated Content
Health will now be reset to max on regen if above
Increased busting price from 5 to 15 adrenaline
Organised Perks into respective Categories
Reduced Price of Renting by 20 - 40%
Fixed Merits providing wrong perks
Reduced Variability of Rent Pricing
Laptops now show in perks
Boot renamed to Old Boot
Reworked Auction House

Organisations 2.0 has been released with this update. All Organisation commands previously available have been removed. The command list has been updated accordingly.

Organised Crimes and Armouries are yet to be added to Organisations. This will come in the near future. 


Added Gummy Bears (Rie)

Market will now show your balance if its lower than your limit
Patched Max Health from Perk did not regenerate
Passive Mode now disables all Economy Features
Patched Coinflipping against yourself for tasks
Crimes are more reliable with higher Crime XP
Patched Rehab not working without addiction
Crime XP loss on Crime Fail is now variable
Patched Stats being shown the tasks page
Reduced overdose rate
Optimised Crimes



This update reset all Merits, Tasks and Merit Path progress as it was overhauled

Added Gym gains limit to 4000 stats per energy at 100 happy (happy jumps still work)
Added Trite, Proton and Volt to the Crypto Currency Exchange
Added Variable graphs to the Crypto Currency Exchange
Added <keyword> (Search wiki with command)
Added Profile `h.profile @user` ( for others)
Added Rhinos Skull & Lapua Magnum [Exclusive]
Added a passport requirement to fly Flying
Added 14 day grace period to new players
Added Lawyers Contact Card functionality
Added unique overdose effects for drugs
Added negative / positive perks for Drugs
Added 300 new tasks with 84 categories
Added `hosp` alias for hospital (h.hosp)
Added Refill Adrenaline to Points Shop 
Added Remaining Limit to Wallet footer
Added Market Graph range selector
Added Bank Investments (
Added Criminal Record `h.record`
Added criminal record (h.record)
Added New variable fee limits
Added Golden Zippo Lighter
Added Crimes `h.crimes`
Added Lockpicking Set
Added Carbide Miner
Added Jail `h.jail`
Added Adrenaline
Added Cannabis
Added Trainers
Added Gas Can
Added Zipties
Added Hoodie
Added Beanie
Added LSD
Added Ink

Node and Ryze now increase 1.5 times more or less per market update
Astral and Zelum now increase 5 times more or less per market update
Changed daily crypto purchase limit to £10,000,000 from £7,500,000
Fixed Quests and Point error on last day of each month
Daily Crypto Purchase Limit is now shown in h.wallet
Alcohol now gives Adrenaline rather than Happiness
Fixed Drug Effects still working on Overdose
Exchange now works in GBP rather than Crypto
Redesigned merit shop and changed messages
Changed Suitcases & Airstrips to be a Perk
Increased all profit margins for Cryptos
Drug addiction now affects battle stats
Optimised Market Graph generation
Adjusted pricing for Printing Paper
Changed Flying level from 5 to 10
Redesigned Networth command
Updated Hospital to have pages
Optimised Cooldown command
Halved Rehab effectiveness
Renamed Ecstacy to Ecstasy
Reduced Overdose Chance
Added Hospital Pages

Removed decimals from h.wallet £ amounts
Removed requirements for Crypto Trading
Removed thousand message reward
Removed many merit paths
Removed many tasks


Added many more ways to gain XP
Added new Suggestions Page submission form
Added new update delivery system

Players can no longer claim their own bounty on someone by attacking them
Increased overdose chance by 30%
Increased Fishing XP gain by 250%
Increased Fishing rod break chance by 1000%
Increased All Gym Gains
Removed Reward for Claiming Cards
Made Leveling up easier


Added Last Update indicator to Market home page
Added 5% Tax to All Auction House Sales
Added Trash button Inventory view
Added Pack Up option for miners
Added Russia to Flights
Added Carbide Armour
Added Barry's Bounties
Added Level Holding
Added Milkor MGL
Added AA-12

Moved functions used once to respective files, meaning no bot restart when updating those functions
Fixed timers being off during the entire hour of midnight (Thanks Toasty & Rascales)
Fixed Max Happiness message when moving property displaying wrong happiness
Quests will now be marked as complete if you go above the requirement
Optimised mining coins function for miners. Takes 5% as long as before
Refresh button now updates price in Individual crypto viewer (Market)
Nerfed all Sweets & Alcohol happiness to encourage booster usage
Updated exchange functions for buy, sell, convert and trading
Attack messages now say the amount you get mugged for
Rebalanced some weapon’s damage and accuracy values
Rebalanced armour ratings and altered armour pricing
Changed Mexico's city from Monterrey to New Mexico
Mugging rates is now 10% - 20% instead of 5% - 15%
Optimised Player object, removing unused elements
Increased Donator Crate value from 12.5m to 20m
Increased Cookie cooldown to 45 minutes from 30
Increased Vinyl cooldown to 6 hours from 3 hours
Fixed 'Try again later' error when using a miner
Reduced Mr Bean's Blurray NPC Price by 150k
Rented properties no longer affect Networth
Removed unused functions from core files
Reduced Erotic DVD NPC Price by 200k
Gym Info now works with the last gym
Fixed Miner Upgrade Pricing


Added Renting & Property Market (Not available to Passive players)
Added Multiple Use option for Inventory items

Removed Duplicate entries in Settings & Loadout Databases
Passive players can no longer purchase items while abroad
Playerlist now shows [Passive] beside passive players
Passive players can now only fly to Switzerland
Passive players no longer use the Casino
Disallowed sale of Exclusive Properties
Flights now show Country & City
Redesigned Property List
Updated Internal Cache
Optimised Vault History
Optimised Player List
Redesigned Profile

Updated Logging


Added Custom Properties Support
Added Use Medical Item tasks
Added Points & Points Store
Added Richest Command
Added Unboxing tasks
Added Travelling tasks
Added Attacking tasks
Added 24 new quests

Added Fishing task

Added Gym tasks

Added Drug tasks

Added Trash tasks

Added Divorcing

Update Quest rewards, XP rewards now count towards game level (Big buffs!)
Updated minigame rewards (Wordchain, RateMyAvatar, Counting)
Updated h.ah buy to remove quantity when buying with a hash
Updated Tasks menu to auto update on page change
Fixed h.players search button not updating embed
Updated Tasks menu buttons to new standards
Updated Merits menu to use new standards
Added Networth to include Vault Balance
Update daily allowance task to daily item
Updated h.send to require level 5
Updated Money in the Vault task
Update Achieve Networth
Fixed Organisation task

Updated Max CF Task

Removed Bank Interest Merit Path
Removed Shop Prices Merit Path
Remove 5 day multiplier task
Remove Daily earnings task

Remove Shop items task


Added Miners section to the Auction House
Added Gym Descriptions

Added Laptops

Doubled captcha timeout, meaning you wont have to authenticate as often
Increased Crypto Currency fluctuation rates by at least 5 times
Fixed Introduction bugs related to the Economy in Yuki
Reworked Attacking functions to improve efficiency
Gym info now shows total progress Example: [9/16]
Updated Gym Info % to 2 DP for better accuracy
Fixed Travel Storage not counting some items

Updated backend activity checks for h.stats

Fixed Travelling times being instant


Added Human Verification to Automated tasks such as Fishing, Case unboxing
Added a warning for Auction Items over 5* their value when purchasing
Added Drug Overdosing, Addiction and Rehabilitation
Added Cooldowns to Vault commands
Added Happiness loss on Gym train
Added Notifications and Settings
Added Escape option for attacks
Added Vault History Command
Added Passive Mode (Settings)
Added Stealth Attacks
Added Fishing

Reworked Cooldowns, can go over cooldown. Eg 23:59 will allow for 1 more booster (to go over 24h)
Reworked Attacking, members can no longer be attacked by multiple people at once
Updated Auction & Abroad purchasing of items, fixed missing items
Updated Property moving, added vault balance and upkeep checks
Updated Networth command, now shows more information
Reworked Inventory, pages shouldnt display 10 items now
Reworked Travel Storage, largest suitcase is now used
Updated Merits & Tasks - Still needing a little more
Reworked Damage and Hit Chance algorithms
Updated Economy and game to both use GBP
Updated Daily command to give a daily item
Updated Miner mining rates and upkeep
Updated Earning command amounts
Updated Cryptocurrency values
Reworked Health Bar in attacks
Reworked Attacking Equation
Fixed fishing related errors
Updated Casinos max bets
Updated Help command
Updated Miner prices
Updated Bank loans

Removed Defend option from attacks
Removed Bank Commands
Removed Shop Commands


Vault withdraw and deposit now accepts 'all' instead of a number
You can now use medical supplies to get out of hospital early
Donator now expires properly with a notifying message
Donator monthly item drop added (2.5m item)
Added autosell button to unboxing
Added Property Sell command
Added Golden Desert Eagle
Added DSR 50 Sniper Rifle
Added Donator Player list

Added Gauss Rifle

Increased cooldown on unboxing to 10 seconds, and increased price to 30k
Fixed health being added instead of reduced when 1 hit killing somebody
Gold is now automatically removed from old vault when moving property
Attacks now hospitalise for a random amount of time between 30m - 2h
Stalemate & Winning at the same time in an attack is no longer possible
Fixed hospital message from drugs saying itemID, now says item name
Fixed inventory view showing incorrect hash when using item names
Energy drink cooldown is now stackable, and changed to 2 hours
Inventory space increased to 30 from 20 for non donators
Inventory space increased from 35 to 50 for donators
Spouses are now kicked out when moving property
Storing gold in multiple properties no longer works
Mansion base happiness increased from 600 to 750
Villa base happiness increased from 500 to 625

Searching armour now shows armour ratings
Property Interior Upgrade Prices reduced
Xanax cooldown reduced to 6h from 8h
Hospitalised for Regeneration bug fixed
Inventory can now be used in hospital
Searching is now allowed while flying
Autosell Tax reduced from 10% to 5%
Buffed Barret Accuracy Slightly
Nerfed FN Fal Damage Slightly
Improved crate drop rates

Entry Level Interior | 10% -> 5% Price of property
Mediocre Interior | 20% -> 10% Price of property
Quality Interior | 30% -> 20% Price of property
Superior Interior | 50% -> 35% Price of property


The auction house will now share items with abroad countries at an increased price such as drugs
Added Store restocks to timers

Attacking players with <1/2 of your battle stats reduces XP gained significantly
Inventory now accepts partial names instead of only hashes
Property moving can now use partial names and hashes
Auction cancel can now use partial names and hashes
Inventory autosell hashes are no longer case sensitive
Inventory trash hashes are no longer case sensitive

Attacking players from abroad countries fixed
Fixed spouse property upgrades not working


Me command can now be used while flying
Mysterious crates are now purchasable
Other tab added Auction House 
Added autosell command
Added trash command
Added Send command

Auction and store purchases now accept partial names
Last few item descriptions completed
Help command updated accordingly


Added Airstrip functionality for Private Islands (30% Flight duration reduction, 100% Cost reduction)
Added Vault functionality for properties capable of upgrading the vault
Added a Vault to all properties after a trailer
Added Property Sharing
Added Property Upkeep

Added Vault Sharing

Added Marriage

All items will now be purchased by the bot from the Auction House regardless of the Value
Auction house and abroad stock is now cleared every 12 hours and refreshed
Partial item names can now be used when purchasing store or auction items
Items with a max of 1 stock now have a 50% chance to not spawn
Cooldowns are now hidden from h!me if you dont have any
All ah items in the UK have variable stock limits and prices
All items are stocked in Auction House

Updated Help command

We will not account for people being scammed using the Vault. Only marry and share money with who you trust
Crates are on the Auction House under Other and Other again, they can drop items upto a value of 10 million
After 7 days of unpaid property upkeep, your property max happiness halves
Money stored in the vault is safe from all kinds of attack
All properties above an Apartment have a vault


Added a loop dedicated to fixing accounts (Adds missing fists and properties)
Gym footer now shows what you gained and how many times you trained
Maximum Happiness can now be greater than 100 (With properties)
Added some auto restocking for the Auction House
Added Clock command (View bot time)
Updated help command to add detail

Added Sweets, Alcohol and Boosters
Updated help command accordingly
Added Receipts for all transactions

Properties can now be upgraded
Added 190 Item Descriptions
Added Property Upgrades
Added Properties

Me command now shows location, property, property upgrades, status
Fixed Booster consuming not saying anything

Optimised auction purchasing code
Fixed rare minus health bug


Added Autobuy NPC that buys items sourced from other countries, listed at a reasonable price on the AH
Added Search command, search an item and view everything about it
Added auto restock for abroad items (12 hrs)
Added Abroad Markets and Unique Items
Added Airport, Flights and Travelling

Added cooldowns for all commands
Added some item descriptions
Added Medium Weight Gyms

Removed all item listings on the auction house that can be purchaed abroad
Fixed reactions not being added on menu return after consuming item
Fixed being able to attack yourself, and bots

Changed price of nearly all items
Fixed Auction House listings

Fixed Register command


After training in the Gym the upgrade button will be added if upgradable, instead of reopening gym
After using a booster, if you have another, it will return you back to the same booster embed
Added Inventory Limits (Different items only) (20 or 35 for donator)


Added Auction House command aliases (auc, ah, auction, auctionhouse)
Added Cooldown section to h!me and removed gym stats for privacy
Added some of each new item to the Auction House
Added placeholder description for all items
Added some guns to the Auction House
Added Energy Drinks
Added Boosters
Added Alcohol

Added Sweets

Added Drugs

Fixed Auction House issue, when purchasing an item you got the wrong one
Fixed Auction House not working
Fixed an attacking bug