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Donator Status



Donator Status is a title you hold whenever you have made a donation, or are a monthly subscriber. In order to become a Donator, you are able to purchase 'Donator Crates'. The details on how these donations are going to be made are still a work in progress. However, ifIf you do wish to donate to recieve one of these Donator Crates, you can contactpurchase Stig#1337them on

In the near future we will add payment options for purchasing these Donator Crates,Crates in bulk, and the process will be automated. If you purchase standard Donator Crates, you will be given a 'Gift Code' which you can then redeem to get the Donator Crate in your inventory. This is a temporary solution until we are able to create an automated method. 

OnceUpon the subscriber option is added, you will not receivepurchasing a Donator Crate item,from andour store, you should be sent a message telling you that your Donatorproduct dayshas andbeen points will be addeddelivered to your accountinventory. directly.If this does not happen within 1 hour of donating, please contact Stig#1337


You can choose to purchase a single crates, or you can receive them in larger quantities if you wish to purchase more than one. Purchasing in bulk will have a slight discount, meaning more value for money.

The standard price set per Donator Crate, is £$5.00. If you use this item, you will recieve 31 days of Donator Status, and 50 points.


  • 7550 Points
  • 150 Maximum Energy
  • 10 Energy per 10 minutes
  • Player list commandList
  • Donator Status TagRole
  • Donator Status on Profile


All information found in this section is Subject to Change. Currently there is no way to purchase this option.

You can purchase a subscription through our website, this will either cost you £$5.00 per month, or you can purchase a annual subscription for £50.00 per year.month.

Upon subscribing for the Monthly Subscription option, you will get 31 days of Donator Status, and 75 points. You will recieve these rewards for every month you are a subscriber. 

Subscribers get one 'special item' per month. These items are added to your inventory on the first day of each month, and you will recieve a notification if they are enabled. This item currently is fixed as a Gold Bar. In the future, you will recieve two items, these items will vary in value, and will may not be marketable, or purchasable. The subscriber awards will also include Books which can give you temporary buffs.

Annual subscriptions will get you 372 days of Donator Status, and a total of 1,000 points and recieve the same monthly item.marketable.


  • 75Monthly pointsItem per month, or 1000 per year
  • 150 Maximum Energy
  • 10 Energy per 10 minutes
  • Player list command
  • Todo list & Reminders (COMING SOON)Drop
  • Special prize draws
  • Random giveaways
  • MonthlyPlayer randomlist itemcommand
  • or
  • Donator bookStatus Role
  • 75 points per month
  • 150 Maximum Energy
  • Donator Status on Profile
  • 10 Energy per 10 minutes


  •  Where do I donate?

You willcan bedonate able to Donate through our website once it is

  • Who can I contact for help or support?

You can contact any staff member of the My Anime Land discord server.

  • How do I cancel my subscription?

You will be able to cancel your subscription at any time through our website,payment provider, and you wont lose any days which you have already paid for.