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An Organisation is a group of players who play together under the same name and logo, with a shared goal within the game. Organisations are led by a Leader, and can recruit and promote others to help them. 

Starting an Organisation

We hope to see in an increase in the use of organisations after this update, as it will help new players massively with the long list of benefits. Starting a organisation costs £5,000,000. A brand new organisation will start with 5,000 respect, and will give 5 maximum members. 

The buying and selling of organisations is allowed, this is a good way to get an already established organisation for cheap.


Respect is what organisations fight and grind for. Its essentially represents how good your organisation is, and it can be used for bragging rights, or it can be used for earning special upgrades and perks. Respect is gained in many ways, and can only be lost through attacks. The following are methods of earning respect.

Management Panel

The management panel is the meat and potatos of faction management. Its split into 5 sections which allows you to manage:


Here you can view, accept or decline applications of users that have applied to your Organisation. Controls require the Manage Applications permission


Here you can view members and their organisation bank balance, how long they've been a member, their level and their position. There are 3 controls which require the Manage Members permission. 


The upgrades is where you can view, upgrade, downgrade and remove upgrade paths. Controls require the Manage Upgrades permission. 

  • An upgrade from the core tree cannot be undone. This includes the capacity upgrades and armoury upgrades,
  • The other trees are classed as special upgrades, and the upgrades can be unset as you see fit. Upgrades take 48 hours to be unset, and return all respect upon being unset.
  • Most upgrades require challenges to be completed in order for the upgrade to become available

Find all upgrades here


Only the leader can edit positions by default, however the leader can modify other positions and rename them as they like. 


Only the leader can edit settings by default, these settings include the Icon, description, friendly fire, and channel notifications settings. Controls require the Manage Organisation permission.