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In Jail

The City Jail is where you go when you get caught violating city laws, and get into conflict with the police.

The following actions will send you to Jail:

  • Failing a Crime (Red Result) this will result in Jail time and loss of CE
  • Failing a Bust

There is a huge difference in jail time, it can range from a few minutes to many hours.


Busting is the attempt to free an imprisoned player from the City Jail by someone outside. The following things impact your chance of sucessfully busting a player from Jail:

  • Level (A higher level increases your bust chances for players with a lower level)
  • Time (Your bust chances increases as someone nears the end of their prison sentence)
  • Perks (Not Yet Added)
  • Bail (A higher bail decreases your chances of busting someone out of prison)

There are three possible outcomes to a busting attempt: 

  • You succeed in busting them out. Sending the event '(Your name) broke you out of Jail'
  • You fail in busting them out. Sending the event '(Your name) failed to break you out of Jail'
  • You get caught trying to bust them out. Sending the event '(Your name) was caught trying to break you out of Jail'

The easiest inmates to break out are the ones that meet any of the following conditions, with the easiest busts having much lower level than yours and under three hours of jail time remaining:

  • Their level is lower than yours
  • They have a short amount of jail time left


In addition to busting someone out of Jail, there is also the option to buy someone out of jail, costing an amount in pounds equal to ((100 - 750) * level * (duration in hours))